Adventures in Waste is a community engagement organization and online resource hub (coming soon) that bridges the experience and knowledge between waste professionals and everyday people to increase awareness, inspire action, and create a level playing field from which a social and environmentally responsible, Zero Waste, solution-oriented world can be built.
“Waste is a Verb Not a Noun”
Instagram: @adventuresinwaste
Facebook: @adventuresinwaste
Jessica Aldridge, Founder of Adventures in Waste, appeared on 10 Ways You’re Recycling Wrong with BuzzFeed’s Ari Jackson, Produced by Goodful.
Tune In! Adventures in Waste is the co-host of EcoJustice Radio.
A project of SoCal 350 Climate Action, the show presents environmental and climate stories from a social justice frame, featuring voices not necessarily heard on traditional, mainstream, or even public media outlets.
Check our shows here and on EcoJustice Radio

But in the meantime: In California we create about 10 lbs of waste per person daily.
The US is 5% of world population, but we represent 30% of consumerism and create 30% of waste production. Our recycling rate is only 9%. In CA, the second largest source of methane is landfill. Foodwaste is 30% of the material in landfill.
If foodwaste were a country, it would be the 3rd largest producer of greenhouse gases.
Thank you #proyectojardin for the pic and post of AIW.
#zerowasteliving #recycle #reuse #reducewaste #adventuresinwaste #zeroeaste #socal350 #trashisfortossers #regrann #bethechange #zerowastesolutions

The Cayos Cochinos or Cochinos Cays are a group of two small islands and 13 more small coral cays situated 30 kilometres northeast of La Ceiba on the northern shores of Honduras.