Welcome to Adventures in Waste!

Jessica Aldridge’s Adventures in Waste is a new media outlet dedicated to waste (and the reduction thereof) as it pertains to environment, art, social and cultural impacts, and solutions with a special focus on women in the waste industry. We are a band of Storytellers, Travelers, Artists, Treasure Finders, Educators, Solution Seekers, and #WasteNerds.

Remember, “Waste is a Verb Not a Noun”

Twitter: @WasteAdventures
Instagram: www.instagram.com/adventuresinwaste/

Cayos Cochinos, Jessica Aldridge
The beautiful shores of Cayos Cochinos in Honduras are scattered with discarded plastic washed up from the mainland countries that line the Atlantic Ocean. The Cayos Cochinos or Cochinos Cays are a group of two small islands and 13 more small coral cays situated 30 kilometers northeast of La Ceiba on the northern shores of Honduras. Photo By Jessica Aldridge.

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